Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Benefits of Flexible and Core Packages for the Human Resource

Question: Describe about the Benefits of Flexible and Core Packages for the Human Resource? Answer: Introduction: The earnings that an employee gets from his/her organisation form the key stone to their motivation. Beautiful packages should be given to employees whether it is flexible package or the core packages. The monetary benefits are included in the core packaging system for the employees and these monetary benefits are provided along with the salaries of the employees. On the other hand, the flexible benefits are referred to those benefits that may or may not be received by the employees with the core packages. Here it can be said that the flexible benefits can also be non-monetary that is provided by the company to the employees. Benefits of Core packages: There can be several benefits of the core packaging. The core packages basically include gratuity, retirement, old age pension, provident fund, dearness allowance, employer`s contribution to PF etc. A productive life of the employees can be maintained (Dessler, 2013). It is very important for an employee to be financially sound and thus the employees estimate their needs for gaining satisfaction at workplace. The earnings of the employees are the mandatory rights and. A better core package can also be mandated in the organisations according to several other laws. Benefits of Flexible packages: Various monetary and non-monetary benefits can be accounted through the in case of flexible packaging. In this context it can be said that the employees can get the benefits by being motivated on the commendable work and their achievements in return of their service in the organisation (Hrweb.berkeley.edu, 2015). They can include company vehicles, house allowances, paid holidays, and medical insurance. It is known that the employees are mainly benefitted from the flexible packaging but the organisations can gain certain benefits as well. The employees can be very energetic at workplace if the organisation provide them with certain benefits (Human Resources, 2015). The employees can achieve high goals by performing better in the organisation. The core packaging and the policies of the organisation can also increase the retention rate of the employees and they do not go to other organisations. If an employee tends to be less benefitted, then it is the responsibility of the organisation to implement required changes in the core packaging for effective results. It is felt by some of the employees that the core package is high, but there may not be constant flexible benefits. Thus it may not be effective to depend on such benefits. It is evident that due the flexible benefits, the employees may stay in the organisation. Conclusion: In conclusion it can be said that in case of comparison within the benefits, it may be difficult to estimate the superiority of the benefits for the human resourcing. It can be said that the benefits of the core package needs to be estimated for the effective implementation of policies. An important part is played by the core package system for attracting the employees but the flexible package can also be very attractive to the employees. References Dessler, G. (2013).Human resource management. Boston, Mass.: Pearson Education. Hrweb.berkeley.edu, (2015).Benefits Packages | Human Resources at UC Berkeley. [online] Available at: https://hrweb.berkeley.edu/benefits/eligibility/packages [Accessed 5 Feb. 2015]. Human Resources, (2015).Core Benefits - Human Resources. [online] Available at: https://drexel.edu/hr/benefits/core/ [Accessed 5 Feb. 2015]. Owens, A. and Loomes, S. (2010). Managing and resourcing a program of social integration initiatives for international university students: what are the benefits?.Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 32(3), pp.275-290.

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