Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Benefits of Microcredit to Bangladesh Essay Example for Free
The Benefits of Microcredit to Bangladesh Essay Bangladesh, with a populace of in excess of 140 million, is one of the most thickly populated nations on the planet. Practically 50% of the all out populace is as yet living beneath the neediness line acquiring under $1 per day. The different elements of the country’s destitution are showed regarding imbalance in salary conveyance (for urban territories), wage differentials between the formal and casual areas, sensational increments in the average cost for basic items, joblessness and inward movement. Nonetheless, progress on a scope of social markers in Bangladesh in the course of the most recent fifteen years has been striking in specific territories, and these have been embraced to a great extent to the blend of open and private assistance arrangement, including the spearheading approach of microfinance establishments (MFIs). The legislature of Bangladesh faces a gigantic test in lessening its neediness. In any case, the legislature can't act alone as it can't order all the assets and staff to keep up progress in neediness easing. The MFIs have played a key job in neediness improvement endeavors and have been giving credit to these needy individuals who need investment funds and capital yet need occupations in the ranch and non-ranch divisions. The financial division in Bangladesh is overwhelmed by the four state-claimed business banks, however likewise there are five government possessed particular banks, 30 residential private banks, and 12 outside banks. A couple of these banks do loan widely to provincial zones most don’t even glance at the rustic zones of the nation for loaning cash. In any case, the needy individuals don't gain admittance to formal monetary organizations because of the absence of physical security. In contrast to different nations, Bangladesh doesn't a have an appropriate base of little banks working at a nearby level, and along these lines a solid structure NGO microfinance area had been created in Bangladesh. These MFIs have had the option to arrive at the poor with insurance free credits at moderate expenses and would thus be able to enable the poor to become independently employed. The small scale money division in Bangladesh is one of the universes biggest. Bangladeshi MFIs are most popular for their momentous, huge scope arrangement of microfinance administrations, primarily small security free credits to poor ladies. Microcredit programs in Bangladesh are executed by NGOs, Grameen Bank, state-claimed business banks, private business banks, and concentrated projects of certain services of Bangladesh government. In the microfinance division all out credit extraordinary is around TK 200 billion and investment funds TK140 billion that have been rendering among 30 needy individuals which help them to act naturally utilized that quickens generally speaking financial advancement procedure of the nation. Through the monetary administrations of microcredit, these destitute individuals are drawing in themselves in different salary producing exercises and around 30 million needy individuals are legitimately profited by microcredit programs. Credit administrations of this part can be ordered into six general gatherings: 1. General microcredit for little scope independent work based exercises, 2. Microenterprise advances, 3. Advances for ultra poor, 4. Rural advances, 5. Occasional advances, and 6. Advances for catastrophe the executives. Credit sums up to BDT 30,000 are commonly considered as microcredit; advances over this sum are considered as microenterprise advances. The Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA), set up by the administration in August 2006, got applications from in excess of 5000 private establishments (NGO-MFIs). Yet, around 1000 uses of them were seen as little associations that had less than 1000 borrowers or not exactly the USD 58,000 in exceptional credits that is commonly considered as the base beginning working arrangement of a solitary stretched MFI to be reasonable. In any case, till June 2010 the MRA had endorsed licenses for 552 NGOs and 2910 have been dismissed due to not meeting permitting rules, for example, non-presence of tasks at field, wrong enlistment as a NGO, deficient money related data, etc. Size and development: As indicated by the size of organizations as far as the quantity of borrowers served, MRA sorts MFIs into five significant sorts: extremely huge, enormous, medium, little and exceptionally little. There are just two exceptionally huge MFIs, viz., BRAC ASA, each serving more than 4,000,000 borrowers. Table-2 shows year-wise number and level of the all out number of foundations under these five classes throughout the previous four years. At present there are just 21 medium, 16 huge and 2 extremely enormous MFIs working in Bangladesh, together they establish just 8 percent of the aggregate. 92 percent NGO-MFIs are still either little or extremely little covering not in excess of 17 percent portion of the market as far as effort and activities. Difficulties: Regardless of certain accomplishment in arriving at the more unfortunate gatherings of family units, it has been assessed that specific gatherings of extraordinary poor families don't partake in microcredit program. Topographical inclusion of microcredit activity changes, with inclusion most slender in the less fortunate, progressively remote and less crowded areas of the country’s north and southwest. Thinking about the topographical inclusion of the MFIs in Bangladesh, in excess of 80 percent of the MF-NGOs have under 5 branch workplaces and about portion of them don't have any branch office whatsoever. As of late, there have been a few endeavors in arriving at these family units by offering progressively adaptable reimbursement plans with a littler credit sizes. A few examinations additionally show that 15-30 percent of microcredit individuals are from ‘non-target’ bunches as likewise estimated by householder’s land size. The accomplishment of microcredit programs relies upon the accompanying difficulties: 1. Upgrading the Resources as opposed to Reaching the Poor Client 2. Littler versus Larger credit sizes 3. Increment in customer base versus Sustainability of MFIs Accomplishments: Ladies strengthening: Ladies are given equivalent access to the Grameen plots thus; they have raised their status, reduced their reliance on their spouses and improved their homes and nourishing norms of their youngsters. 90% of ladies who utilized asking as a methods for endurance presently have rooftop over their heads and can bolster themselves. Gathering Savings: Gathering Savings have demonstrated fruitful as gathering loaning. Gathering reserve funds have arrived at 698 million taka (US $ 23 Million approx), out of which 570 million taka 9US 419 million) are spared by ladies. The bank requires its borrowers to spare. Every borrower spares one taka (2-5 pennies) every week. Starting today Grameen bank has gathered such a lot of cash that they can all things considered purchase the biggest venture in the nation. The most unfortunate of the poor in the nation are entering the cadre of the elites. Move in the word related example: There has been a move in the word related chart from agrarian pursued work considered socially mediocre compared to independently employed insignificant dealer. Miniaturized scale credit has prevailing with regards to graduating the poor from neediness level to a self continued position. Manufactures Trust among Poor: Grameen has returned trust to the image. The working of the Grameen is to a great extent through trust. It has confidence in the colossal capability of every single person given empowering condition, even the least fortunate of the poor can strip off questions and begin investigating their capacities to discover an existence with full human nobility. Spikes social change: Small scale credit had done what billions of dollars worth of AWACS (Air Borne Warnings and Control System) and Patriot rockets can't, for a considerable length of time the west has attempted to overcome obsessive fanatics militarily, this has been bleeding, exorbitant and exceptionally fruitless, however unobtrusively consistently, the fascination of the aggressor Islam is being blunted at the polling station and in the people’s hearts and brains, than to the monetary advancement of poor people. Miniaturized scale credit illuminates a large group of immovable, long haul social ills identified with destitution. In Bangladesh the utilization of contraception is one of the principal practices to change. Indeed development of gatherings of ladies to meet consistently helps in talking about new thoughts and sharing data, this fills in as a strong factor in realizing wide based social change, in any case ladies are detached. In Bangladesh small scale credit has prompted an expansio n in investment of individuals in the standard financial and political procedure of society, and in general human turn of events. Exceptionally low default rate: The default rate is incredibly low contrasted with what Bangladesh business banks endure. It is about 2% when contrasted with about 70% for rural credits and 90% for modern advances. Yunus Says†The distinction lies in the brain research of the borrowers. The rich can dodge the results of non-installment, the poor can't. They esteem credit sharks so a lot; that they are quite appreciative for once points a lifetime chance to improve them†. Small scale credit has graduated the country poor from the casual capital market constrained by the moneylender and neighborhood tip top to systematized banking. Positive effect on the families: Autonomous investigations show that miniaturized scale credit has a large group of positive effects on the families that get it. An ongoing world bank concentrate by Shahid Khondkar (2003) show that small scale credit programs working in Bangladesh over a significant stretch of time have created a more noteworthy effect on extraordinary destitution than on moderate poverty.†The aftereffects of this examination demonstrate that miniaturized scale credit not just influences the government assistance of members and non-members, yet in addition the total government assistance at the town level. Indeed even in a fiasco circumstances and post strife regions, it has rebuilded financial exercises and occupations. Henceforth going about as the ways of dealing with stress of poor people. This was effectively shown during the floods in Bangladesh in 1998 Issues and requirements: 1. The most effective method to extend the effort of miniaturized scale credit. 2. Absence of assets. 3. Absence of activity in making financing organizations. 4. Nonappearance of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Operational Management Mc Donald Casestudy
Question: Examine about theOperational Management for Mc Donald Casestudy. Answer: Presentation Mc Donald Australia was established in 1971. In Australia the evolved way of life store has announced deals development throughout the previous three years (Abkowitz, 2008). This paper tries to dissect what Mc Donald Austalia is doing any other way regarding operational administration to have an upper hand over other natural pecking order stores found in this market. Vision: the general vision articulation for this organization is to turn into a dynamic, present day burger organization conveying a client experience that is contemporary. Mc Donald strategic: crucial to make the organization a clients most loved spot an approach to eat and drink. The organization is devoted to be an extraordinary work environment, positive nearness in the network and conveying quality help, worth and tidiness that clients anticipate. Systems Systems for advertise control: Mc Donald Australia has set up systems that will cause it to keep up its administration in the food administration industry. This has changed by setting working guidelines to guarantee that clients get the most extreme fulfillment. This likewise builds benefits and piece of the pie through the different methodologies of accommodation, execution and worth. Conventional Competitive Strategies Despite the fact that the organization applies same serious technique in all nations that they work in, the Australian establishment has gone above and beyond as far as advancement by offering clients same item yet with numerous other options (Pinto, 2015). This is known as the wide separation methodology. Mc Donald completes extreme exposure as a method of building up its image. Elective Strategies Used: Brand situating and showcase infiltration: this are methodologies utilized by Mc Donald Australia to expand deals (Pinto, 2015). This might be in type of special exercises by utilizing infectious expressions like im cherishing it which is one of the methodologies utilized in advertising to infiltrate a market. They natural way of life store likewise utilizes customized administration, for example, requesting a menu through touch screen and seeing your food being readied. This has expanded people groups charm to the brand. New item advancement: Mc Donald Australia improves menus that attention on wellbeing and fit the requirements of the individuals, this is a worldwide pattern that produce wellbeing programs (Coleman, 2012). The three nonexclusive systems that Michael Porter recognized that could be possibly be utilized to outflank rivals in the business are similar ones that Mc Donald in Austarlias food advertise is utilizing to have an upper hand over opponents are. 1) The general initiative in costs 2) Differentiation 3) The methodology These are methodologies that are applied deliberately to defeat contenders execution in the business. It implies that in some industry structures these systems during tasks when actualized are important to achieve restores that are worthy in any event, when all organizations are making benefits. Cost Leadership Strategy This is the point at which an organization expects to bring down its expenses to be the least in the business. Mc Donald has dealt with this very well by buying their items in enormous amounts to appreciate the economies of scale. This combined with the different terms that the establishment has haggled with providers to get their items at low expenses has empowered Mc Donalds Australia to keep up a minimal effort system over their friends (Coleman, 2012). The organization has an expansive standpoint that has empowered it to lessen its expenses in different regions of creation. The cost advantage is significant for the broadness off the organization. Mc Donalds has figured out how to be a cost head since it has special access to crude materials. A cost administration methodology that is fruitful spreads in the whole endeavor, this is prove by the way that Mc Donald has low overhead, high effiency , unreasonable control components, and intensive spending survey (De Beer, Rossouw, n.d. ). The prizes are high that are related with focusing on decrease of expenses and broad cooperation of representatives in endeavor to control cost. In any case, there are a few dangers related with this procedure on the grounds that the contenders may emulate the technique. This prompts bringing down of benefits of the business as a rule. Additionally, mechanical headway in the business could make the methodology ineffectual. Separation Strategy This is the place Mc Donald has performed well overall, separation procedure is the point at which the organization makes a help or item to be special. Mc Donalds is known for its burgers, so contrasted with the contenders is has made itself to be an organization of decision with regards to rich burgers. The organization has chosen a few traits that numerous purchasers see as significant , and set itself solely to address the issues of the individuals (Pinto, 2015). Because of this separation, the organization has figured out how to compensate itself with a more significant expense, which implies that the organization can get more benefits just as increment its piece of the overall industry. The organization can likewise differenciate itself by giving a conveyance framework to its clients. The showcasing approach offers a wide scope of numerous different components. In any case, the differentaoition technique ought to be trailed by simply after cautiously breaking down the inclinatio ns and necessities of the clients. This is inorder to decide the plausibility of joining a few qualities of the buyers needs into a particular item with all the ideal traits (De Beer, Rossouw, n.d.). Anyway , when valuing , the clients may feel the cost isn't defended much after the separation. The contenders may likewise duplicate the separation includes in their items placing the organization in a dangerous position. Center Strategy This system depends on choosing a thin rivalry procedure inside a division. The center chooses a gathering or a specific section and makes a technique to serve them exlusively. By advancing the companys procedure McDonald has looked to accomplish general upper hand. In this market, the buyer has particular needs or inclinations. What's more, when Mc Donald understood that none of the organizations in the market was endeavoring to meet the clients needs thus the organization has made its menu and administrations to address the issues and inclinations of the buyers in this way having an upper hand (Washington, Miller, n.d.). Among the hazard, that Mc Donalds faces by utilizing the center technique is that the numerous rivals in the food retail market may copy the companys effective methodology, or the purchaser inclinations are redirected towards qualities of the item that the buyers need. The organization utilizes Differentiation and cost initiative methodology the prizes are extraord inary as the McDonalds case appears. Fig 1: Radar Diagram for Mc Donalds Cost=2 Flexibility=2 Dependability=3 Quality=4 Speed=3.5 Tasks Performance Objectives The money related point of view: the vision of the tasks forms from this viewpoint permits to distinguish and to characterize the markers that encourage to diminish costs and to build the profitability. The point of view of the inner procedures: it permits watching the manner by which the procedures are created and the exercises are completed to build up the proper markers. The learning/development viewpoint: how to carry an incentive to the tasks forms by improving the information and preparing of the groups in question. The customer's point of view: the customer's vision of the organization, decided to a great extent by its degree of fulfillment with the administration/item offered (a definitive goal of the procedures and exercises associated with the gracefully chain) makes it conceivable to characterize The fitting markers. Difficulties of Operational Management Coming up next are the difficulties of operational administration. Globalization: globalization has prompted a decrease in exchange boundaries, transportation innovation and progression of innovation thus such a significant number of organizations have been set up in the market. The cheap food advertise in Australia has been invaded by such huge numbers of universal brands . Thusly, this acquires rivalry the market (Terrill, Middlebrooks, 2000). The companys in this manner will be compelled to lessen its costs so as to stay serious . As the activities chief is the person who is liable for capacities, for example, sorting out, arranging, coordination and controlling to guarantee that the item stays serious. The tasks chief must be imaginative and creative enough for the organization to have upper hand for its items. Another test is manageability, business operational maintainability can be utilized as a technique for assessing whether the business can be feasible without gambling future assets. Activities chief of the organization must fret about columns, for example, welfare,safety , monetary and ecological maintainability. Successful activities director should execute best practices for supportability purposes. Moral lead is one more test that faces activities chiefs. Morals is a subset of business morals intended to guarantee that the capacity of creation exercises are not harming to the general public or to the shopper (Smith, 2006). Dishonest conduct has added to end of huge organizations like Tyco, Enron and numerous different firms. Henceforth, being moral over all business divisions, for example, human asset, bookkeeping, deals and showcasing, and creation. The tasks chief guarantees that all the exercises led inside the association are moral. End As of late, business movement just as specialist co-ops has developed exponentially. All inclusive, business development, in volume, however in multifaceted nature and amount of administrations, has increased. This wonder, among others, along with the budgetary embarrassments of the most recent decade, has brought issues to light about corporate hazard the board forms. Furthermore, inside those procedures, the organization of a specific hazard, which until a couple of years back was not mama
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive GMAT Impact How Do Business Schools View the GRE
Blog Archive GMAT Impact How Do Business Schools View the GRE With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. In this blog series, Manhattan Prep‘s Stacey Koprince teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Many business schools, including Stanford, Harvard, and Wharton, accept either the GMAT or the GRE. I have spoken with a couple of admissions officers about this topic, as well as several students who have had their own conversations with admissions officers about which test to take. The general consensus seems to be that taking the GRE instead of the GMAT confers no major disadvantage, but some schools do (as we suspected) discount the GRE quant score a bit because they feel that the GMAT quant is more challenging. (And I think they are right about that.) No one would discuss specifics, but here are some things I inferred. First, the discount is not enormousâ€"my guess is that it is on the order of perhaps five to ten percentile points. If you, for whatever reason, find the GRE quant much easier than the GMAT quant, then it still might be to your advantage to take the GRE. Second, so far, I have only heard top schools acknowledge doing this. Certainly, any schools could discount the GRE quant; my guess, though, is that everyone else is not as concerned about the small differences in score/difficulty level between the two tests. The top schools receive so many applications that choosing among all of the highly qualified candidates is extremely difficult, so they are even more concerned about making an apples-to-apples comparison (as much as they can). Finally, no one expressed any concern about the verbal portion of the GRE; the schools seem to view the two tests as equally challenging in this area. (And, again, I agree with this assessment.) The GRE and GMAT do test somewhat different verbal skills, but vocabulary (GRE) is just as important as grammar (GMAT) in business communication, so neither test has an edge here. (Both tests address meaning in their vocabulary- and grammar-based verbal questions.) What does this mean? If you are applying to a top school, you should have a slight preference for the GMAT over the GRE, but if you are really struggling with GMAT quant, then try a GRE practice test (under 100% official conditions, please!). If you find the GRE quant a lot easier (enough that you can score at least ten percentile points higher), then you may want to consider taking the GRE instead. And be sure to check out our GMAT vs. GRE infographic for even more help deciding which test to take! Share ThisTweet GMAT Impact Blog Archive GMAT Impact How Do Business Schools View the GRE With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. In this blog series, Manhattan Prep’s Stacey Koprince teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Many business schools, including Stanford, Harvard, and Wharton, accept either the GMAT or the GRE. I have spoken with a couple of admissions officers about this topic, as well as several students who have had their own conversations with admissions officers about which test to take. The general consensus seems to be that taking the GRE instead of the GMAT confers no major disadvantage, but some schools do (as we suspected) discount the GRE quant score a bit because they feel that the GMAT quant is more challenging. (And I think they are right about that.) No one would discuss specifics, but here are some things I inferred. First, the discount is not enormousâ€"my guess is that it is on the order of perhaps five to ten percentile points. If you, for whatever reason, find the GRE quant much easier than the GMAT quant, then it still might be to your advantage to take the GRE. Second, so far, I have only heard top schools acknowledge doing this. Certainly, any schools could discount the GRE quant; my guess, though, is that everyone else is not as concerned about the small differences in score/difficulty level between the two tests. The top schools receive so many applications that choosing among all of the highly qualified candidates is extremely difficult, so they are even more concerned about making an apples-to-apples comparison (as much as they can). Finally, no one expressed any concern about the verbal portion of the GRE; the schools seem to view the two tests as equally challenging in this area. (And, again, I agree with this assessment.) The GRE and GMAT do test somewhat different verbal skills, but vocabulary (GRE) is just as important as grammar (GMAT) in business communication, so neither test has an edge here. (Both tests address meaning in their vocabulary- and grammar-based verbal questions.) What does this mean? If you are applying to a top school, you should have a slight preference for the GMAT over the GRE, but if you are really struggling with GMAT quant, then try a GRE practice test (under 100% official conditions, please!). If you find the GRE quant a lot easier (enough that you can score at least ten percentile points higher), then you may want to consider taking the GRE instead. And be sure to check out our GMAT vs. GRE infographic for even more help deciding which test to take! Share ThisTweet GMAT Impact
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Epic of Gilgamesh - The Early Legend of Gilgamesh - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1311 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Gilgamesh Essay Did you like this example? The Epic of Gilgamesh is the early legend of Gilgamesh, a man who was two thirds god that was spared by friendship. The tale of Gilgamesh was one of the worlds first dynamic works, but above that the first epic. An epic is a long poem, usually one from old oral tradition, depicting the deeds and endauvers of unimaginable figures of the historical backdrop of a country. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Epic of Gilgamesh The Early Legend of Gilgamesh" essay for you Create order Through years of interpretation The Epic of Gilgamesh has become an ageless classic. Gilgamesh was the savage wild bull (1.81) and reckless king of Uruk, who invested his energy assaulting women, harassing citizens, and defeating enemies and taking land. Everything suddenly changed when he met, battled and was guided by his extraordinary companion and immaculate partner, Enkidu; created by the gods as Gilgameshs equal in response to the citizens of Uruks cry for help from their evil king. The love and friendship the two shared helped to mold and change the two characters, each giving up part of their individual lives and giving that part of it to the other. With the assistance of Enkidu and his impact, Gilgamesh turned into a heroic and reasonable king. As with many classics, the role of women, including the ones of goddesses seem to be in question. While The Epic of Gilgamesh follows the friendship and changes of the male main characters, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, women play an impo rtant role in helping them advance through their epic journey, although this may be viewed differently. While some may say that the role women is a nonexistent as they are portrayed as weaker and lesser to man, the qualities that make a woman a woman and their femininity show great strength over the man. In the epic we meet women of various power: Aruru, Shamhat, and Ishtar. Aruru is the maker of humanity and keeping in mind that her appearance in the epic is exceptionally restricted, her job is greatly critical. She replies to the calls of the citizens of Uruk and makes Enkidu from clay and places him in the wild, The goddess Aruru heard these words, what Anu had thought of she fashioned within her. The goddess Aruru, she washed her hands, took a pinch of clay, threw it down in the wild. In the wild she created Enkidu, the hero, offspring of silence, knit strong by Ninurta. (1.99-104). Her doing so, shows her power over man, since she is the creator of man. If she is able to make a man of such power, she can easily create a female of such power. Shamhat is introduced to us by r eputation, the countrys prostitute. We later learn that she is more than meets the eye and is more than just an objectified object. Ishtar, the goddess of love and war has a little job that ends up being more noteworthy than man, basically preventing them from accomplishing their objective. The women of the epic are what essentially change Gilgameshs perspective of women, aiding him into becoming a more respectable king. It is sensible to perceive any reason why some observe why some may state that the role of women is nonexistent and are lesser to man in light of the fact that from the looks of it women arent entitled to consent and everything is simply chosen for them. In the beginning of the epic, specifically in tablet 1 line 72 we see the exploitation of women, but Gilgamesh lets no daughter go free to her mother. At times, sex happens because one, typically man, has more power over the other, typically female, forcing them to make themself explicitly accessible. Again we see the savage bull Gilgamesh is in line 76 of the same tablet, Gilgamesh lets no girl go free to her bridegroom. The women of Uruk have no say in the preservation of their purity. Men often use women to better themselves, paying little to no respect to the outcome of the women. Not only dealing with the idea of sex, the roles of women are not emphasized as they are for men and their accomplishments are never said. The m an may have the power, but it is the woman who make the man so powerful. While people are right to say that women have no consent and no say in what they do, their femininity is what make them so powerful over man. Shamhat, the country prostitute, was sent to to the wild to essentially take the uncivilized Enkidu and use her femininity to seduce him and bring him back to Uruk. That is he, Shamhat! Uncradle your bosom, bare your sex, let him take in your charms! Do not recoil, but take in his scent: he will see you, and he will approach you. (1.180-183). While this was done in no regard to her safety, it shows how powerful a womans touch is, that it can tame the most wild of men. Her sexuality in a sense represented the normalization and civilization of Uruk. Come, Shamhat, take me along to the sacred temple, holy home of Anu and Ishtar, where Gilgamesh is perfect in strength, like a wild bull lording it over the menfold. I will challenge him, for [my strength] is might. (1.215-220). If it wasnt for Shamhat, Enkidu would have remained in the wild, the refore never meeting his equal, never going on the epic journey and the people of Uruk would have never been saved. The interaction between Shamhat and Enkidu gave him a different outlook on life that helped benefit the people of Uruk because he was able to give Gilgamesh a different perspective of female sexuality, helping them along their epic journey and making Gilgamesh more respectable. As the epic continues and Gilgamesh learns more from Enkidu he learns how to respect women. He even denied Ishtars hand in marriage. He realizes that she has nothing to offer him, she cannot save him as Shamhat has saved Enkidu. He notes her as a temporary user and realizes a relationship is more than sex. She doesnt like his response and convinces her father, Anu to give her the fiery Bull of Heaven to punish Gilgamesh with death. The Bull of Heaven causes havoc in Uruk, but Gilgamesh and Enkidu discover its weak spot and kill it. (6. Intro). While they did defeat the bull, it was Ishtar wh o gave them the power and opportunity to prove they are worthy. He gained respect not only for the women but for himself and his image. The Epic of Gilgamesh, as many other stories stories delineates women as lesser than man, however reality of the situation is man would not accomplish significance if not for women. Unlike the women in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the women in the Ramayana are honored and it was surprising to see that words being used especially after reading this epic where it was harder to see the meaning and value of women. Beyond all of this, you violated his wifes honour and made her your own. Guarding a womans honour is the first duty laid on any intelligent being. (102). While some may say that the honor of the woman is tied to the actions the man imposes on them, it is the woman who has the upper hand on the man. The women utilizes their sexuality to fortify the men. While this may appear as women being objectified, it really demonstrates the immense power women have over the man. Sexuality isnt simply sex and appearance. Man might be physically more grounded, however women are mentally more gr ounded. The women of The Epic of Gilgamesh help to balance the men and help them achieve and strive for greatness. Without the women, Gilgamesh would not have possessed the capacity to make such progress, despite the fact that his epic journey of acquiring immortality have failed, he developed as a man and as a king.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Misperception and Deception in William Shakespeares...
Misperception and Deception in Twelfth Night Twelfth Night is likely one of Shakespeare’s most entertaining and complete comedy. This romance explores a generous wealth of themes and issues. The most recurrent theme is the relationship between misperception and deception. As a result of their environment and immediate circumstances, men are forced into misperceptions. Paradoxically, they are completely trapped by these illusions. Between the bad fortune they encounter and the bad fortune they themselves generate, they become caught between a rock and a hard place; they are victims of deceit as well as their own folly. The relationship between misperception and deception has numerous effects: it gives way to†¦show more content†¦Of course, in reality, Viola and Sebastian were being confused. The main plot of Twelfth Night revolves around the cause of such confusion resulting in disillusioned and self-deceived characters. The main plot of the play involves twins of the opposite sex who are separated during a tragic shipwreck, each believing the other to be dead. The female, Viola, disguises herself as male and serves in the love-sick Duke Orsinos Court, where Tis said no woman may approach his court. Orsino then uses Viola - who, in male dress is known as Cesario - to attempt to woo Countess Olivia for himself, whereupon the Countess falls in love with Viola and Viola with Orsino. This love triangle is brought to a conclusion when Sebastian, the male twin, stumbles upon the Countess grounds and, mistaken for Viola in mans guise, is promptly married to Olivia. The twins are therefore united when Viola reveals her true identity. Thus the main plot revolves around misperception and deception, and the main plot is paralleled by the sub-plot. The sub-plot concerns the activities of the Countesss servants. It largely involves the plotting of Malvolios downfall. There is an attempt to make him appear a fool before Olivia ( comes the trout which must be caught with tickling.). Maria imitates Olivias handwriting in forging a letter professing Olivias love for him. Malvolio, overjoyed with such news,Show MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares As You Like It As a Study of Perception and Misperception2315 Words  | 10 PagesWilliam Shakespeares As You Like It As a Study of Perception and Misperception The concepts of perception and misperception are common themes in many of Shakespeares plays and can be found in his comedies, tragedies and histories alike. Shakespeare explores these often-parallel elements through several different forms in his work, such as disguise, mistaken identity and blindness, and events caused by these can lead to amusing, confusing or sometimes tragic consequences
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Watching The Pbs Frontline Film Titled, Losing Iraq
Earlier this week we were privileged to watch the PBS Frontline film titled, â€Å"Losing Iraq†. In the beginning of this film, General Keane believed that the United States shouldn’t invade Iraq. Keane noticed that the war plans didn’t include adequate plans for securing the country. At the same time, General Franks announced that by September 2003, 110,000 troops would be prepared to leave and that a division of 30,000 would stay and handle Iraq. At this point of time, this was huge news for the United States, they truly believed that the major combat phase of the war in Iraq was over. United States next step was to send Jerry Bremer to Iraq to attempt to fix 20 years of dysfunctional government. Jerry Bremer was a very interesting candidate†¦show more content†¦My answer is, bring ‘em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation.†The plan to send more than 100,00 troops home by September 2003 was now absolutely out of the question. As the war continued, thousands of Iraqis were swept up in raids. The reality became that you’d go into a village and just arrest everybody. Things were beginning to get out of hand, the Defense Department decided it wanted Iraq to be given back to the Iraqis as soon as possible. Soon after the discussion, the US Army captured Saddam Hussein and he shared that he was willing to negotiate. Many believed that this would lower the tension in Iraq, but they were absolutely wrong. Four American contractors were murdered and two of the bodies were hung from a bridge. This upset George Bush very much and he demanded that the Marines retaliate. The Marines took the order and moved into the city, killing people. Once the Marines were ordered to stop fighting, they were now ordered to simply surround Fallujah and contain the insurgents. Soon after this, Bremer formed a new government, and handed Iraq back to the Iraqis. As the war continued, the United States Army was fighting the Mahdi Army. They pushed the Mahdi Army into Sadr, but the White House didn’t want to risk destroying the mosque so the Army was ordered to cut a deal. The deal was to have their militia not oppose the Americans. The United States
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Entrepreneurship Business Plan Of Fiji Natural Resource Processing
Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship Business Plan Of Fiji Natural Resource Processing. Answer: Critical-risks segment A Petrochemical processing plant, Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD, is going to open at Walu Bay near the Port, in Fiji. This place is in a very pleasant location that has quite well managed and has quite good amenities and facilities like, roads, nearby port, infrastructure, Potential problems As it is a new business venture, the business can face the team experience as the founder of the business does not have a track record of the team members. The entrepreneurs need to check the opportunity and market of the petrochemical processing plant. Petrochemical process plant, Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD, business needs money to open as it has a large and growing market. In Fiji and Australia, there are other petrochemical plants that can cut the price of the products that will pose a potential risk to the new business. Having a couple of large competitors in the market always a threat to the business and the new business will need an intellectual property like patents. At present, the petrochemical industry is rising high; however, unfavourable industry-wide trends can make the situation worse for the new start-up business (Semrau and Werner 2014). The start-up business needs natural resources like natural gas, crude oil and mineral ores to make the industry processes things like propylene, ethylene and aromatics. In Fiji and Australia, selection of right market entry strategy is necessary to attract the customers of the business. Right pricing is necessary and wrong distribution will hamper the business. Obstacles and risks This Petrochemical processing plant, Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD, will be established on 300 acres area and capacity of processing plant will be initially 7,00,00 TPA ethylene and propylene. Therefore, if the product manufacturing target does not meet, the business will face risks and product development schedule should be met in order to survive in the industry. The raw materials of the business are large in numbers like crude oil, ores and natural gas and long lead times encountered in the procurement can pose a threat to the company. The entrepreneurs in the business process may feel that the business is going to achieve greater than expected innovations and it can be a risk for the organisation. Estimated budget of the business is $900 million. Financial risks are also high in this sector as the investment is higher. Entrepreneurs of the business must think about the real plan of the business. Ownership of the start-up will be partnership business with 4 members. Therefore, the liability of the partners for the debts is unlimited. As stated by Bocken (2015), manufacturing business related to the petrochemical products, technology disruption and paradigm shift can make the situation worse for the business. Environmental risks In case of the Petrochemical process plant, Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD, the environmental risks are higher as this industry is completely based on non-renewable energy resources. In the Fiji and Australia, there are some regulatory bodies that give permission to do business complying the environmental assessment risks. There are some hazards associated with the petrochemical business that is situated near the port. For example, cyclone can increase the temperature up to 2.2 degree Celsius and it can lead to 5% increase in speed of cyclone wind. In Fiji, Bushfire is also another risk for the business as it can increase the summer temperature by 1 degree Celsius. Droughts can increase 1.3 degree Celsius temperature and 25% evaporation increases. In addition, as stated by Olson and Wu (2017), the flood can also another risk to the business as it is situated near the sea area and 25% of the temperature can be increased through 30 minutes of precipitation. In addition, an overall increase of climate temperature can hamper the business as the business is depended on mainly natural resources. In Fiji near the sea beach port area, oil spilling is another issue that can harm the environment as well. An alternative course of action In order to mitigate the market-related risk analysis, sufficient demand should be there to manufacture the products. The management of the organisation must release, observe and improve the condition. The start-up business needs to analyse the risks and they need to satisfy the marketplace. The start-up needs to use the right technologies to manufacture the products and market the products to the customers. The partners of the business can put aside the money for the taxes as the accounts of the very first payment must be noted. In addition, operational risk analysis can help to sell and produce the products on time. The entrepreneurs can get the business insurance to make up the professional liability. Harvest strategy segment New start-up of Petrochemical processing plant, Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD, will execute the harvest strategy over four years of the period to obtain maximum value. The entrepreneurs of the business will primarily focus on continuity strategy to find out the successor. The exit goal of the business is to transfer the asset. As opined by Kuratko (2016), harvest strategy consists of allowing the established brand to start generating revenue based on brand name recognition. Transfer of assets One of the best ways for Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD is to transfer the assets to the newly appointed owner. The newly appointed owner can manage the business and the owner may have good financial value. The formal contract can state that Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD will transfer the assets after four years whilst maintaining the legal proceedings. The newly appointed buyer of must is provided with training on operating the business (Modarres et al. 2016). This process may take time of two to three months. The management of the start-up can provide ongoing support in order to ensure Petrochemical Processing plant success for first two or three years. The buyer of the business must know about the relevant information like customers of the business and legal papers. If Petrochemical processing plant fails to achieve the goal, it can transfer the assets to the persons who are liable. Liable for the business would be transferred the existing funds. As stated by Ward (2016), the business needs to comply with those that are liable to work on the strategy to transfer the assets on mutual agreement. Therefore, the entrepreneurs of the business need to look for the possible and potential buyer to meet the needs and demand of those who are liable to all these. The management of the Petrochemical processing plant can revise the initial contract to disperse the funds accordingly. Continuity of business strategy The continuity strategy will focus on manufacturing higher profits to expand the fund in other sections to meet the exit goal. The Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD is to continue the business strategy to focus on mainly the marketing objectives of the business, financial goals and operational objectives. In addition, the entrepreneurs of the business need to have staffing goal and social responsibility to continue the business. The management of the start-up needs to set the position to reach the desired long-term exit goal. There will be some issues that will prevent the business to continue the business strategies. Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD needs to revise the strategy to determine if keeping the track records to look for the strategies to meet the goals. The continuity of the business can be achieved through systemising its daily activities. The management of start-up can break business continuity plan into four different sections. First, the business does business impact analysis where the organisation can prepare a questionnaire to fill in the knowledge gap. As pointed out by DeTinenne et al. (2015), a recovery strategy is about identifying the document resources and plan development is about the developing the framework and relocation plan. Lastly, Petrochemical processing plant can develop testing, exercise and mainstream requirements. The organisation can prepare insurance and trust that are needed for continuity of the business. Identify successor Reaching its exit goal, Fiji Natural Resource Processing LTD can look for the successor that can bear the qualities to operate the business. The transition of leadership starts with emergency succession and the management needs to develop the plan for the transition of both internal and external roles of departing leader. According to Muzellec et al. (2015), it is really critical for the organisation to continue with the transition that leads to damage and stress to the organisation. Success plan starts with promoting an internal employee, hiring interim ED and conducting a search for new ED. The successor of the business must have qualities like highly skilled, financially able, experience in similar areas and ability to grow the business further. The leader must have an extensive history of the previous dealing with the business and successor must be able to grow the start-up even further. References Bocken, N.M.P., 2015. Sustainable venture capital a catalyst for sustainable start-up success?. Journal of Cleaner Production,108, pp.647-658. DeTienne, D.R., McKelvie, A. and Chandler, G.N., 2015. Making sense of entrepreneurial exit strategies: A typology and test.Journal of Business Venturing,30(2), pp.255-272. Kuratko, D.F., 2016.Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, and practice. Boca Raton: Cengage Learning. Modarres, M., Kaminsky, M.P. and Krivtsov, V., 2016. Reliability engineering and risk analysis: a practical guide. London: CRC Press. Muzellec, L., Rondeau, S. and Lambkin, M., 2015. Two-sided Internet platforms: A business model lifecycle perspective. Industrial Marketing Management,45, pp.139-150. Olson, D.L. and Wu, D.D., 2017. Data Mining Models and Enterprise Risk Management. InEnterprise Risk Management Models(pp. 119-132). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Semrau, T. and Werner, A., 2014. How exactly do network relationships pay off? The effects of network size and relationship quality on access to start?up resources.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,38(3), pp.501-525. Ward, J., 2016.Keeping the family business healthy: How to plan for continuing growth, profitability, and family leadership. Berlin: Springer.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Capital Punishment Essays - Penology, Criminology, Criminal Law
Capital Punishment The Debate over the merits of capital punishment has enduredfor years, and continues to be an extremely indecisive and complicated issue. Adversaries of capital punishment point to the Marshalls and the Millgards, while proponents point to the Dahmers and Gacys. Society must be kept safe from the monstrous barbaric acts of these individuals and other killers, by taking away their lives to function and perform in our society. At the same time, we must insure that innocent people such as Marshall and Millgard are never convicted or sentenced to death for a crime that they did not commit. Many contend that the use of capital punishment as a form of deterrence does not work, as there are no fewer murders on a per- capita basis in countries or states that do have it, then those that do not. In order for capital punishment to work as a deterrence, certain events must be present in the criminal's mind prior to committing the offence. The criminal must be aware that others have been punished in the past for the offence that he or she is planning, and that what happened to another individual who committed this offence, can also happen to me. But individuals who commit any types of crime ranging from auto theft to 1st-Degree Murder, never take into account the consequences of their actions. Deterrence to crime, is rooted in the individuals themselves. Every human has a personal set of conduct. How much they will and will not tolerate. How far they will and will not go. This personal set of conduct can be made or be broken by friends, influences, family, home, life, etc. An individual who is never taught some sort of restraint as a child, will probably never understand any limit as to what they can do, until they have learned it themselves. Therefore, capital punishment will never truly work as a deterrent, because of human nature to ignore practised advice and to self learn. There are those who claim that capital punishment is in itself a form of vengeance on the killer. But isn't locking up a human being behind steel bars for many years, vengeance itself? And is it "humane" that an individual who took the life of another, should receive heating, clothing, indoor plumbing, 3 meals a day, while a homeless person who has harmed no one receives nothing? Adversaries of capital punishment claim that it is far more humane then having the state take away the life of the individual. In February 1963, Gary McCorkell, a 19 year old sex offender, was scheduled to hang. But just days before his execution, the then Liberal cabinet of Lester Person commuted McCorkell to life in prison. Less than 20 years later, McCorkell was arrested, tried, and convicted for the kidnapping and rape of a 10-year old Tenessee boy. He was sentanced to 63 years in prison. Prior to leaving Canada, he was sought by Metro Police in the attempted murder of an 11-year old boy. What has been gained by this? Had McCorkell been executed in 1963, two boys would never have had to have gone through the horror of being sexually abused. These individuals may themselves become sex offenders, as many sex offenders were sexually abused as children. McCorkell may have been a victim of sexually assualt in the past, but that does not justify what he did. He did not do this once, he killed two boys, and assaulted two others, leaving one for dead. He knew exactly what he was doing. What right does this man have to live? He has ruined the lives of 4 children, what will he do in life that will compensate for that? What kind of a life would the state have been taking away in this case? An innocent life? A forgiving life? No, a life that was beyond the realm of reform, and did not care to be. We must be careful. We must be very careful to never, even when suspicion may cause considerable doubt, send an innocent person to be executed. It could have happened to David Millgard, it could have happened to Donald Marshall. It probably has even occured numerous times in the history of the earth. But with proper police investigations, and where the evidence shows that the individual is a threat to the peace of society as long as he or she is alive, capital punishment must be used. Capital Punishment Essays - Penology, Criminology, Criminal Law Capital Punishment The Debate over the merits of capital punishment has enduredfor years, and continues to be an extremely indecisive and complicated issue. Adversaries of capital punishment point to the Marshalls and the Millgards, while proponents point to the Dahmers and Gacys. Society must be kept safe from the monstrous barbaric acts of these individuals and other killers, by taking away their lives to function and perform in our society. At the same time, we must insure that innocent people such as Marshall and Millgard are never convicted or sentenced to death for a crime that they did not commit. Many contend that the use of capital punishment as a form of deterrence does not work, as there are no fewer murders on a per- capita basis in countries or states that do have it, then those that do not. In order for capital punishment to work as a deterrence, certain events must be present in the criminal's mind prior to committing the offence. The criminal must be aware that others have been punished in the past for the offence that he or she is planning, and that what happened to another individual who committed this offence, can also happen to me. But individuals who commit any types of crime ranging from auto theft to 1st-Degree Murder, never take into account the consequences of their actions. Deterrence to crime, is rooted in the individuals themselves. Every human has a personal set of conduct. How much they will and will not tolerate. How far they will and will not go. This personal set of conduct can be made or be broken by friends, influences, family, home, life, etc. An individual who is never taught some sort of restraint as a child, will probably never understand any limit as to what they can do, until they have learned it themselves. Therefore, capital punishment will never truly work as a deterrent, because of human nature to ignore practised advice and to self learn. There are those who claim that capital punishment is in itself a form of vengeance on the killer. But isn't locking up a human being behind steel bars for many years, vengeance itself? And is it "humane" that an individual who took the life of another, should receive heating, clothing, indoor plumbing, 3 meals a day, while a homeless person who has harmed no one receives nothing? Adversaries of capital punishment claim that it is far more humane then having the state take away the life of the individual. In February 1963, Gary McCorkell, a 19 year old sex offender, was scheduled to hang. But just days before his execution, the then Liberal cabinet of Lester Person commuted McCorkell to life in prison. Less than 20 years later, McCorkell was arrested, tried, and convicted for the kidnapping and rape of a 10-year old Tenessee boy. He was sentanced to 63 years in prison. Prior to leaving Canada, he was sought by Metro Police in the attempted murder of an 11-year old boy. What has been gained by this? Had McCorkell been executed in 1963, two boys would never have had to have gone through the horror of being sexually abused. These individuals may themselves become sex offenders, as many sex offenders were sexually abused as children. McCorkell may have been a victim of sexually assualt in the past, but that does not justify what he did. He did not do this once, he killed two boys, and assaulted two others, leaving one for dead. He knew exactly what he was doing. What right does this man have to live? He has ruined the lives of 4 children, what will he do in life that will compensate for that? What kind of a life would the state have been taking away in this case? An innocent life? A forgiving life? No, a life that was beyond the realm of reform, and did not care to be. We must be careful. We must be very careful to never, even when suspicion may cause considerable doubt, send an innocent person to be executed. It could have happened to David Millgard, it could have happened to Donald Marshall. It probably has even occured numerous times in the history of the earth. But with proper police investigations, and where the evidence shows that the individual is a threat to the peace of society as long as he or she is alive, capital punishment must be used.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Practical Book Review of Petersen Text Essays
Practical Book Review of Petersen Text Essays Practical Book Review of Petersen Text Paper Practical Book Review of Petersen Text Paper Essay Topic: The Healers Petersen (2007) then illustrates in his book what he envisions to be the stomach (emotions), heart (objectives and interpretations), and the head (which is where we draw our logical conclusions), to resemble. Flat brain occurs when ones stomach is filled to capacity with uncomfortable emotions and feelings (Petersen, 2007). This in return then upwardly impacts the heart, resulting in squashing the brain; therefore causing it to go flat. He then reminds the reader that one has a choice to become defensive, and be overtaken by this phenomenon, or to collaborate with those who are involved, to bring about a positive outcome. In part ;o, the talker listening process, is how Petersen (2007) describes he method of relieving the symptoms of flat brain; this process involves taking turns talking and listening (p. 49). Petersen (2007) also discusses stomach talk, meaning that one is only allowed to share his or her own insecurities, rather than blaming others (p. 78). He warns his readers that sharing and thinking is risky business, however, worth it in exchange for a more cherished relationship (p. 82). Petersen (2007) then uses the recipe of two parts personal and one part logical, to balance the scales of communication (p. 85). In part three Petersen (2007), introduces overall listening techniques to further ones communication, including the six communication pitfalls (p. 1 16-121 These pitfalls are an attempt to Set in control of the conversation, as well as a clever form of manipulation on TTY part of the speaker (Petersen, 2007). He then goes on to explain the two levels of communication; the first being more superficial, and the second, emerging into a deeper level of how one is truly feeling emotionally. Petersen (2007) ends this portion of the book reminding one to be careful o hidden agendas, and taking on more serious cases such as, someone suggesting us iced. In the last sections four and five, Peters (2007) takes on the challenge of BRI inning it all together with examples of the listening game. This is where families learn to interact in a safe family environment. This is especial helpful for children, while reinforcing the taking turns skills they have already learned growing up. Peterson (2007) then reintroduces the TTL card to the group setting; which allows everyone a chance to be heard, respected, and better express themselves. As Petersen (2007) wraps up the book, he suggests that the TTL card can be useful with monitoring couples, as well as sharing, negotiating, and closing (p. 203). Lastly, he leaves us with his philosophy, which is to leave people and place ± in better a better condition than when I found them (p. 209). Respond When I began reading Peterson (2007) I was amazed at hi candidness, his story drew me in immediately. Because I am a published author myself, understand how difficult transparency can be. Petersen (2007) provokes one to deal with the selfish nature within, in addition to need to win attitude (p. 7). This portion of the book spoke volumes to me. I grew up in a time where winning was everything at home, school and church. However, I always seem to be the one who lost. I cowered beneath the hand of my older sister, strict father, and hierarchy of the church. When I became a young woman, I vowed never to be mistreated by anyone. Quickly learned to fight back, and believed I had become a winner. During this time in my life I had achieved great success in the natural world; however, I had become very confrontational to my husband and demanding with my chi lilied. Petersen (2007) talks about the six communication traps, and as guilty on all charges (p. 1 16-122). I was constantly dragging my kids and husband into the courtroom, so that I could prove my case like Perry Mason (p. 116). Often times I won, however, I was destroying my marriage and distancing our children. I did not know how to control my emotions when I was challenged with issues. Petersen (2007) refers to this problem as flat brained (p. 10). Eventually, my marriage ended, and I paid a very costly price for not knowing how to listen better. Years later, I am remarried, and have put into practice the TTL card without my husband even knowing it. Have also learned that defending is attacking, (p. 1 08) and enjoy using the double- reverse-twist to ward off feelings of defensiveness (Petersen, 2007, p. 43). Reflect Because we are reading three different listening skills books within a small time frame it becomes difficult to separate the three. It is the useful names used in the techniques is what creates a difference in each book. Petersen (2007) stands out because of his illustration of the flat brain. We have all experienced it; however describing how it occurs from the first onset is what make one conscious that an attack is on its way. He takes that which is spiritual, which is the spirit of offense, and makes it practical, so that everyone can understand what is really taking place in the mind. One observation that represented an ah ha moment was when Peterson (2007) talked about observing pays dividends (p. 58). He discusses what happens when one is fully aware of his/her behavior, and is able to adjust it to accommodate the other person, as in the case of Mary and her mother (p. 58-60). This practical teaching lines up with the book of Romans chapter twelve. If I were to narrow it down to one verse, it would be, Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another Romans 12:10 (KAVA). This is very useful to me when dealing with the majority of friends who call me to talk. I have given over to having a mutual friendship, and have resolved that would always play the role of the listener. This technique helps to remind me of what I should be doing spiritually nonetheless; it also helps me not to become resentful concerning the call that God has mandated over my life. It is sometimes difficult to accept that we are always playing a role. Though it is true that we grow stronger in character, and in love, during these perpetual times of pressure. Act The TTL is one of the valuable instruments that I will add to my tool box of listening (Petersen, 2007). On the personal side, I have two daughters, of whom I am very close to. I have now learned to slow down and listen. I can now listen without owning their problems! I believe that was my biggest challenge with the both of them; that little card has set me free! I now understand am not there to solve their problems, however, to only be a nonjudgmental sounding board. also understand that there will be occasions when I Will be tempted to fall for the l feel that trap. Moreover, I will resist the urge to disagree, agree, or force my advice on my young adult daughters. I now realize that they only need me to be a good mother, role model, and listener (Petersen, 2007, p. 78). Also have three sisters whom I enjoy spending girl talk time with. We all jump in whenever someone pauses to take a breath. It will be exciting to introduce the TTL card ATA casual dinner (Petersen, 2007). Petersen (2007) has also given me new tools to use in my ministry. God has taken me through a transformation since my life changing divorce in 2002. Obviously, listening was my greatest challenge. Learning to listen to God was paramount in my life, and that is where God did his greatest work. Peterson (2007) digs in deep when he begins to cause one to examine themselves in what he/she is doing to others. The Guiding difficult group discussions was a very eye-opening tool for me (Petersen, 2007, p. 190). He talks about not fully hearing others out before we are on the attack, as well as not being able to hear correctly, and repeat back what was ally being said. This is what happens during bible study discussions and womens groups. UT these techniques into practice because I truly want to see women healed, and become healers themselves. Listening is also important in evangelism ministry. We are always quick to throw our religious beliefs on someone who has not heard the good news of Jesus Christ. We must listen and find out why they feel a certain way (Petersen, 2007) before we attack them, and drag them kicking and screaming into the body of Christ. My husband and I are both in ministry and have spent nettles hours arguing with Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, and unbelievers.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Memorandum on Public Adminstration Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Memorandum on Public Adminstration - Case Study Example The level of infant mortality is an important indicator of health status of a community. Health People 2010 consensus document stated the reduction of infant mortality rate as one of its objectives. Numerous documentaries reveal the existence of racial disparities in infant mortality rate (IMR). African Americans and other racial minority groups experience a slightly higher IMR as compared to the IMR experienced by the whites. The disparities in neonatal mortality occur due to factors influencing the birth of extremely preterm infants and the access to specialized pediatric and obstetric care. Neonatal mortality accounts for about 67 percent of the national IMR (Khanani et al., 1). Therefore, the risk of preterm birth is a fundamental factor to assess when seeking to decrease the infant mortality. Infant death rate is a key gauge of a nation’s health. It measures the number of infants that die before they reach the age of one year. Most studies on the impacts of WIC on infant’s health have methodological limitations. In most of these studies, the independent measure is often eligibility rather than participation and measure of the results being cause of infant death or timing of those deaths. Population based surveys including WIC program participation are limited. Besides studies examining the effects of timing of WIC are very rare. Evidence on the effects of interventions such as nutritional and prenatal care on birth weight and other features of infant’s health in US populations is variegated. This makes it uncertain on how the WIC program might affect infant mortality. Since its founding in 1974, the WIC program has gained the reputation of being a successful federal funded nutrition program in the US. Numerous findings of previous studies reviews and reports show that WIC program is cost effective in nurturing and improving the health and nutritional status of
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Global Reporting Initiative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Global Reporting Initiative - Essay Example To hold these expectations and to communicate clearly about sustainability, a global framework model and continuous metrics and language is required and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) fulfills this. GRI relies on association of the expert from large networks in collaboration with consensus seeking consultation from groups of stakeholders. Since the foundation of GRI, these consultations with practical experience have constantly improved the framework of GRI (GRI 2011). Sustainability Reporting and GRI: A sustainability report allows the organization to reveal sustainable information in such a way that it looks similar like financial reporting. Comparable data that include metrics and agreed disclosures is given in systematic sustainability report. It is an organizational report that gives relevant information regarding economic, environmental, governance and social performance of the company. For the organizations sustainability, the capacity to resist or maintain depends on the p erformance of these key areas. Many companies want to make their operations sustainable and by making a sustainability reporting process, it helps them to set goals, manage change and measure performance. In a sustainability report, communication is made for positive and negative impacts for sustainability (ACCA 2005). ... This reporting is an important step for managing change to a sustainable global economy in which long-term profitability with social justice and environmental care is involved. The rising interest and focus on the impact of businesses on society and environment have increased the awareness level of people and demand for improve and better disclosures that are beyond financial figures have increased as well. The basis of sustainability is now dependent on social, environmental, and economic performance (Barner 2007). Best practices will tell that companies holding triple bottom line concept, are best positioned in terms of their competiveness and brands. The benefits for those companies include better risk management, reputation, and improved infrastructure of governance. Organizations are now expected to do and show more than just fulfilling their duty to give information to stakeholders in their company reports. It is very common now a days that global companies reports on all areas of sustainability reporting that is known as triple bottom line in which companies report on social, economic, and environmental responsibilities. Usually, the economic aspects of reporting have been the main theme of annual reports but now, the strength of annual reports is the disclosure of social and environmental performance (Elkington 1994). Improve reporting and disclosures, beyond the requirement of law or statement are the first step of sustainability report. Following are the drivers towards responsible businesses: Greater Disclosure and Accountability Demand: Different stakeholder groups give immense pressure to companies to display good controlling practices in all fields of their business operations.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The back to basics marketing approach of marks and spencer
The back to basics marketing approach of marks and spencer Title of the Project The scope of the project is to emphasize on the Marks and Spencers back to basic approach of marketing to capture the down-size in the market. Introduction Marketing is one of the core functions of any organization and an organizations most sincere efforts to attract the market can be inefficient if it lacks a basic marketing model to analyze the market segments, equip with the most appropriate product mix, and assess the competitors activities to ensure proper growth. The scope of the proposal is to analyze basic approach of marketing in UK by Marks and Spencer and also relate its importance in todays organizational success when its first marketing department was formed in 1998. The emphasis is on Marks and Spencer formal marketing planning, comprehensive situation analysis and adoption of pro-active approach to the future. Background of the Organization Marks and Spencer was formed in the year 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer today is one of the leading retailers in UK known for its high quality, fashionable and value clothing. It also has its presence in luxury food products, footwear, gifts and home furnishings. Marks and Spencer was a success story till 1998 after which a sudden fall in sales and growth of the organization led to sharp decline with shut-down of stores and numerous cost cutting measures. The revival plan was basically focused on the basics of marketing (focus on core business and brands, better product range, improve sourcing and supply chain etc) ignored in the continuous success story. Marks and Spencer today is again one the leading retailers in UK with an international presence, employing more than 75,000 people , having over 600 stores in UK alone and growing at a tremendous stage all over the world. Over the years, Marks and Spencer has not only evolved on international platform and gained recognition but also started its online business and introduced several campaigns in Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility (Look behind the Label, Plan A and many other charity works). It has been in several controversies also but with the improved marketing plans is scaling new heights in the industry again. Purpose of the Research The purpose of the research is to analyze that marketing is the most essential of all the activities of the organizations as it is regarded as the direct means to reach the customers. The research will be conducted with respect to Marks and Spencer to: Understand the marketing basics closely in the organization. Analyze the focus of the overall marketing towards the customer solutions to capture market. Understand the positioning of the product in the market in terms of quality and value. Analyze the changing market requirements and promotion techniques adopted Understand the positioning of the competitors and monitor competitor behavior towards the changing market. Study the market segments and analyze the distribution channel. Identify the specific reasons for decline and framework adopted for growth that lifted Marks and Spencer back to the market. Rationale of the Research The lack of understanding of the marketing needs led to the downfall of Marks and Spencers. As per the basics Product, Price, Distribution and Promotion are the key components of any organizations marketing technique and Porters Five Forces model also has been identified to assess and analyze the position of the organization. Marks and Spencer was considered the largest retail market holder in UK perceived as having excellent quality and value of the products but its attempt to move into more fashion oriented clothing was not very successful with strong competitors like GAP, OASIS and NEXT. This study on the Back to Basic Approach on Marks and Spencer will help us understand how the utilization of the resources from marketing perspective helped it gain competitive advantage and brought itself back to the market. Research Questions The basic questions that will cater to the research are What are the basic marketing concepts and how organizations need to emphasize on the effective implementation of the plan. How marketing involves everything you do regain and retain growing base of customers. How to assess the basic marketing questions with context to competitive position. Research Objectives The research objectives are: Critically review the basics of marketing and relate its importance in todays organizational success. Conduct a qualitative and quantitative research to monitor the competitors market and positioning. Critical review of the decision making capabilities in the operational areas of marketing. Literature Review: A complete review will be undertaken to gather the published and unpublished data and provide a detailed understanding of the basic of marketing and its impact on the organizations success. The base of the review will be to analyze the overall market, product and is achieved through substantial research of the market and accurate data retrieved. Marks and Spencer went through a major downfall, the sudden sales dip cautioned the organization as well as the shareholders of the warning signals ahead. The customers dis-appointment, increasing cost, changing economic conditions and slipping market shares all stood as major concern for the management. The table below reviews the decline, Year ended Turnover (Â £m) Profit before tax (Â £m) Net profit (Â £m) Basic eps (p) 1-Apr-00 8,195.50 417.5 258.7 9 31-Mar-99 8,224.00 546.1 372.1 13 31-Mar-98 8,243.30 1,155.00 815.9 28.6 31-Mar-97 7,841.90 1,102.10 746.6 26.7 31-Mar-96 7,233.70 965.8 652.6 23.3 Source: The management started reviewing the basics of the business and it all outlined to the role of marketing in the growth of the business. As per the literature, the concepts of marketing mix, 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) will be thoroughly reviewed in Marks and Spencers context and the emphasis will be to logically explain the evolvement of the marketing mix. As per Marks and Spencer analysis, the details will also cover the service marketing mix of additional 3Ps (People, Process and Physical Evidence). Also, the review will emphasize on the Porters Five Forces Model to analyze the basics of the industry and marketing development. It also covers the SWOT analysis for Marks and Spencer and gives an overall view of the fundamental issues faced and the plan adopted to overcome the shortfalls. A careful SWOT analysis is very important for an organization to tread towards success and be a leader in the market. The strengths are covered in the exiting organization chain and opportunities lie in addition of new line of products and catering to new market segments. The threats and weaknesses comprise of competitors strategies, innovations in market, new entrants, suppliers. Source: Research Methodology: The research methodology adopted here aims at examining and proving the existing basic marketing theories of the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) and Porters Five Forces Model. It helps in proving again the logical reasoning behind the development of the theories- 3Ps (People, Process and Physical Evidence) and their relevance in the marketing context. The method adopted is clearly to emphasize not only on the importance of marketing plan in business but also on the effective implementation for growth. Data Collection and Data Analysis: The first step will be to collect data through primary and secondary data collection. Primary and secondary data collection would bring thorough understanding of the subject matter and it will be done through online research, printed material (journals, case studies, and news releases) and other researchers /practioners in the subject area. The data collection process also involves from questionnaires, personal interviews, etc to analyze the research questions. The analysis of the data will be both qualitative and quantitative, emphasis being on the accuracy of the sources of data collection and also considering the phases of data collection. The analyzed data will reflect the shortfalls in the implementation of the marketing plan and will also highlight the changes required in Marks and Spencer business. Action Plan: The basic marketing approach that turned the fortune of Marks and Spencers that brought significant changes in the organizations strategy and structure to make the proposed goal a success. The strengths are covered in the exiting organization chain and opportunities lie in addition of new line of products and catering to new market segments. The basic focus was to regain the customer confidence, understand the growing markets, expand product line, and grow distribution lines, value realization, and appropriate cost-cutting measures for the existing products. Marks and Spencer realized that their franchise business operates at a much profitable level than company operated stores, be more specific in area usage of the existing stores and reduce the additional cost incurred in acquisition of raw material from existing suppliers.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Dining Establishments And Eating :: essays research papers
Dining Establishments and Eating      There are many factors that may change your decision on choosing a place to dine. Some people dine out almost every night, and some people may dine out only once every month or so. People treat eating out differently than others. It all depends on the type of the mood, or the time the individual may have. There are many types of eating establishments that cater to the different types of occasions, from the more elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the fast outing.      For some people eating out is to be done in haste. For that type of people eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, and cleaning up a meal. Fast food is a quick, easy way to eat on the run, with a no frills atmosphere. These people are â€Å"on the run†with things that they must accomplish in a limited amount of time. Some fast food restaurants may include: Burger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food would be an easy solution to the problem of the time factor. Fast food can easily be recognized when you enter the parking lot. For fast food the parking lot is more accessible to people(less landscaping), more entrances and exit doors(for more saved time). Once entering the building one can distinguish a fast food restaurant, by the high traffic tile floors, plastic bench seating that does not move for comfort, and the poor taste of interior design with small amounts of decoration. These buildings were meant for eating quickly, and then leaving, visual impact is not a major concern. There will be no waiters to take your order. A line to the cash register is the only way to get your food, unless the decision of the drive up window is made. Food is often times pre-prepared to save time. Casual dining has more enjoyable food, and a more refreshed environment, with only a little more time involved. Some casual dining may include: TGIF†Fridays†, Dennys, or Eat and Park. Parking is a little further back, and more landscaping may be involved to have a grander appearance. When you enter through the only main entrance and exit door, wall to wall carpeting may be an option, and more lavish plants, and paintings. Instead of finding your own seat, a host will lead you to the section you prefer. The seating in some cases would be moveable for more comfort. In most, the seating is either plush cloth, or mostly padded vinyl, for comfort. Silverware would already exist on the table Dining Establishments And Eating :: essays research papers Dining Establishments and Eating      There are many factors that may change your decision on choosing a place to dine. Some people dine out almost every night, and some people may dine out only once every month or so. People treat eating out differently than others. It all depends on the type of the mood, or the time the individual may have. There are many types of eating establishments that cater to the different types of occasions, from the more elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the fast outing.      For some people eating out is to be done in haste. For that type of people eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, and cleaning up a meal. Fast food is a quick, easy way to eat on the run, with a no frills atmosphere. These people are â€Å"on the run†with things that they must accomplish in a limited amount of time. Some fast food restaurants may include: Burger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fast food would be an easy solution to the problem of the time factor. Fast food can easily be recognized when you enter the parking lot. For fast food the parking lot is more accessible to people(less landscaping), more entrances and exit doors(for more saved time). Once entering the building one can distinguish a fast food restaurant, by the high traffic tile floors, plastic bench seating that does not move for comfort, and the poor taste of interior design with small amounts of decoration. These buildings were meant for eating quickly, and then leaving, visual impact is not a major concern. There will be no waiters to take your order. A line to the cash register is the only way to get your food, unless the decision of the drive up window is made. Food is often times pre-prepared to save time. Casual dining has more enjoyable food, and a more refreshed environment, with only a little more time involved. Some casual dining may include: TGIF†Fridays†, Dennys, or Eat and Park. Parking is a little further back, and more landscaping may be involved to have a grander appearance. When you enter through the only main entrance and exit door, wall to wall carpeting may be an option, and more lavish plants, and paintings. Instead of finding your own seat, a host will lead you to the section you prefer. The seating in some cases would be moveable for more comfort. In most, the seating is either plush cloth, or mostly padded vinyl, for comfort. Silverware would already exist on the table
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Eleven by Sandra Cisneros Essay
The message that the short story Eleven by Sandra Cisneros tells is that even though you get older you’re still all the same ages you were before. Rather you be five and have to sit on you’re moms lap because you’re scared or when you’re 10 and you might say something stupid. Sandra uses the element imagery quite a bit in her short story. â€Å"†¦When I put one arm through one sleeve of the sweater that smells like cottage cheese, and then the other arm through the other and stand there with my arms apart like if the sweater hurts me and it does, all itchy and full of germs that aren’t even mine.  This particular sentence really describes how awful the sweater must be, she says that one arm of the sleeve smells like cottage cheese and the other is itchy and full of germs that aren’t even hers. The mental image I got from that was a sweater that was a big, ugly, and smelly heap of a very itchy red sweater. Another element of voice Sandra uses is diction. â€Å"Only today I wish I didn’t have only eleven years rattling inside me like pennies in a tin Band-Aid box.  This example of diction was one that would stick out the rest of the story. Instead of saying I wish I were older than 11, Sandra uses diction to emphasize how much she would love to be older than 11. All in all Sandra does an incredible job throughout the book in using elements of voice to portray Rachel, not only did she uses imagery and diction but she used detail, syntax, and tone. She very nicely described how all people will revert back to past ages. Overall, she uses many elements of voice to depict the message of this story.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Technology As An Aid For School And Recreational Use
Technology can be looked at in many ways; in fact as it grows, so do the possibilities. In today’s society it is generally all about posting every moment of everyone’s life. It only takes a second to post that hilarious cat video that thousands of people will watch hundreds of times. A life without it would seem boring due to the new infatuation of sharing and tagging anything. Although this is the â€Å"so-called life†, there are people out there who use technology to improve lives and better society. My mother, Dawn, has a job where technology is an aid to help make each and everyday successful. I, on the other hand, use technology as an aid for school and recreational use. As we both use it on a daily basis with different goals, we come together for one main purpose of bettering someone’s life. Dawn Speegle has become many things in her life and the list continues as technology grows. She works for Lynn Hope Industries, where a curve ball is thrown at her each time she steps into the door. Lynn Hope Industries is not like a normal assembly and packaging job. Although it has certain jobs and shipments similar to other factories, the people are not the same. Lynn Hope Industries has become an open set of arms that takes in mentally handicapped citizens and gives them a job. Dawn has obtained numerous jobs since her start; varying from truck driver, bus driver, and supervisor of a group of the mentally handicapped. Each job has its own encounter with different types ofShow MoreRelatedBehavior and Classroom Reward System713 Words  | 3 PagesClassroom reward systems provide teachers and students with guidelines to follow when dealing with behaviour. Every school has some form of behaviour management in place to deal with both good and bad behaviours and children with sp ecial needs who often need structure, planning and daily goals. 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