Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Macbeth Retold and Macbeth Similarities Essays
Macbeth Retold and Macbeth Similarities Essays Macbeth Retold and Macbeth Similarities Paper Macbeth Retold and Macbeth Similarities Paper Essay Topic: Macbeth Macbeth Retold and Macbeth share many connections, yet have essential differences. Demonstrate the truth of this comment through a detailed discussion of Brozels film and Shakespeares drama. Macbeth Retold uses themes, a modified plot to be more accessible to a contemporary audience and exaggerated characters to have an effect on viewers. Retold also utilises setting to create an emotive atmosphere. Likewise Shakespeare Macbeth employs a variety of themes that reflect Elizabethan times, a historical plot and language features, relevant to Shakespeares context. Although links and onnections do exist between the two texts differences are also apparent. These differences enhance the emotional response and the understanding that a modern audience may absorb from Brozels Macbeth Retold. Brozel created Macbeth Retold In 2005 and it Is his Interpretation of the earlier play. The plot Is similar In that key events and characters appear In both texts. Brozel chose to represent the network of the Scottish aristocrats through the hierarchy of a current restaurants kitchen, but changing the setting that events take place in. Joe Macbeth, Brozels contemporary quivalent of Shakespeares protagonist, is head chef and with his wife, Ella (Lady Macbeths filmic parallelb they plan to kill the celebrity chef/owner Duncan Docherty- so that Joe would take ownership of the restaurant. The plot, but more so the setting, was modified so It resonate with people of today. Joes character is easy to connect with as he is overworked, which is evident by the dark circles under his eyes and his lack of sleep. He also answers to a selfish boss and becomes ambitious wanting to receive what he believes he deserves of. In Shakespeares Macbeth the intended udience responded to the settings, such as the aftermath of war, and castles, for example. The concept of Scottish nobility, the divine right of Kings, Princes and Thanes is an abstract concept for many people today, so it is unlikely that Retold would have been as successful if Brozel had not made changes to the plot and setting. Similar themes are employed by both composers to evoke emotions In their respective audiences. Through the relationship of Joe and Ella, Brozel questions the dynamic of a marriage. Shakespeare uses Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to re-lnforce he role of a woman, as that of a passive companion, as expected within Elizabethan society. Ella and Lady M both have aspirations and are driven, and they manipulate their husbands. Lady Ms famous quote l fear thy nature, It is too full othmllk of human kindness. (1. 5. 15-16) indicates she is doubting Macbeths masculinity. Ella also uses a similar line for the same effect, as she attempts to persuade Joe to commit murder. Lady M and Ella share some common goals but Ellas character is able to be more of an equal to her husband. This Is due to the socially accepted role that woman have. Ella is Hostess/front of house of the restaurant where she and Joe work. She maintains a very high standard, which can be observed in the scene at the beginning of the film as she Inspects the table before they open for the night. This symbolises the importance she puts on her position and may be a factor for why she t front of house to go to waste. The Elizabethan ideal of the chain of being and natural world versus unnatural is very apparent in Macbeth. Gods represenitive on Earth is the King, and when Macbeth murders Duncan he disrupts the chain of being and causes disorder. By Macbeth usurping Duncans throne unnatural things start happening, horses eating each other, owls hunting and killing hawks are both mentioned in Act 2 scene 4. Macbeths and Lady Ms spiral into insanity and instability is also an unnatural consequences of the murder committed. Shakespeares character Macbeth was flawed, he became ambitious after his encounter with the Weird Sisters, and he wanted what they promised. He was Jealous and as the play progressed he became arrogant, which eventually lead to his death. The personal Journey that he undertakes and the actions he takes are nderstandable to audience members. They may disagree with Macbeth murdering Duncan, but the ambition that lead Macbeth to commit the murder can be seen. In contrast through Retold, Duncan was portrayed as a much more selfish and egotistical man than King Duncan. Joes character is a passionate chef who is full of enthusiasm, which is demonstrated in the first scene when he is cooking. He starts singing loudly and encourages the other staff to do so. This passion for cooking and for his livelihood is later transformed into anger and extreme behaviours. The two ays that each composer has chosen to have their Macbeth are different, but both Macbeths have the same basic flaws, making them relatable. Brozel uses film techniques due to his differing median. Whereas Macbeth uses written techniques such as dramatic irony, where the audience has an overall view and idea of the plot compared to characters who are limited to knowledge, they learn in scenes they are involved in. An example of dramatic irony in Shakespeares play is when the audience learns in Act 1 that Macbeth has been appointed Thane of Cawdor, when approached by the Weird Sisters- Macbeth himself does not know this. Making what the Sisters tell him and Macbeths reaction dramatic irony. Imagery is also used in both texts, but because Macbeth Retold is a film the imagery and use of colour is more evocative for todays responders. In the moments leading up to the celebratory breakfast scene (which parallels the banquet scene in Shakespeares play) Joe is initially depicted as standing in the hall looking at his reflection in a metal door, behind him is a deep red curtain. The image given to those watching is a distorted view of Joes face with red all around him. This image is a striking one, as it carries on he black, white, and red colour pallete but it also consolidates the idea that Joe isnt really a good guy and that looks can be deceiving. The red in Brozels film symbolises the bloodshed Macbeth causes in the original play. Brozels Macbeth Retold and Shakespeares Macbeth are linked in many ways. Through plot, characters, and some themes. Yet they share distinct differences including each Macbeths character traits, setting and views on woman in society. Because Brozel made changes to his Macbeth Retold it became successful as a film. The differences strengthened the success.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Mousterian Middle Paleolithic Tool Industry
The Mousterian Middle Paleolithic Tool Industry The Mousterian industry is the name archaeologists have given to an ancient Middle Stone Age method of making stone tools. The Mousterian is associated with our hominid relatives the Neanderthals in Europe and Asia and both Early Modern Human and Neanderthals in Africa. Mousterian stone tools were in use between about 200,000 years ago, until roughly 30,000 years ago, after the Acheulean industry, and about the same time as the Fauresmith tradition in South Africa. Stone Tools of the Mousterian The Mousterian stone tool production type is considered a technological step forward consisting of a transition from Lower Paleolithic hand-held Acheulean hand axes to hafted tools. Hafted tools are stone points or blades mounted on wooden shafts and wielded as spears or perhaps bow and arrow. A typical Mousterian stone tool assemblage is primarily defined as a flake-based tool kit made using the Levallois technique, rather than later blade-based tools. In traditional archaeological terminology, flakes are variously shaped thin stone sheets knapped off a core, while blades are flakes which are at least twice as long as their widths. The Mousterian Toolkit Part of the Mousterian assemblage is made up of Levallois tools such as points and cores. The tool kit varies from place to place and from time to time but in general, includes the following tools: Mousterian point/convergent scraper: short, broad triangular projectile points struck from prepared coresLevallois flakes with retouch: sub-oval, subquadrangular, triangular, or leaf-shaped flakes struck from cores, which may have been retouched, that is to say, a series of small purposeful flakes have been removed from the flake to create an edge which is either sharp for cutting or blunted to make it safe to holdLevallois blades: elongated oval or rectangular blanks removed from cores with basal preparation and correction of the core convexityLevallois cores: include two types, pebble and bipolar. Pebble cores are clasts or angular rock fragments from which a series of flakes have been detached by percussion; bipolar cores are those created by placing the clast on a hard surface and striking it from above with a hard percussor History The Mousterian tool kit was identified in the 20th century to solve chronostratigraphic problems in western European Middle Paleolithic stone tool assemblages. Middle Stone Age tools were first intensively mapped in the Levant where British archaeologist Dorothy Garrod identified the Levantine facies at the site of Mugharet et-Tabà ¼n or Tabun Cave in what is today Israel. The traditional Levantine process is defined below: Tabun D or Phase 1 Levantine (270 to 170 thousand years ago [ka]), laminar blanks from Levallois and non-Levallois unipolar and bi-polar cores, higher frequency of retouched piecesTabun C or Phase 2 Levantine (170 to 90 ka) oval or rectangular blanks from cores, Mousterian points, side scrapers, notches, and denticulatesTabun B or Phase 3 Levantine (90 to 48 ka), blanks from Levallois cores, Mousterian points, thin flakes and blades Since Garrods day, the Mousterian has been used as a point of departure to compare stone tools from Africa and southwest Asia. Recent Critiques However, United States archaeologist John Shea has suggested that the Mousterian category may have outlived its usefulness and may even be getting in the way of the ability for scholars to effectively study human behaviors. The Mousterian lithic technology was defined as a single entity in the early 20th century, and although during the first half of that century a range of scholars tried to subdivide it, they were largely unsuccessful. Shea (2014) points out that different regions have different percentages of the different tool types and the categories are not based on what scholars are interested in learning. Scholars would like to know, after all, what was the tool making strategy for different groups, and that is not readily available from the Mousterian technology in the way it is currently defined. Shea proposes that moving away from the traditional categories would open up paleolithic archaeology and enable it to address the central issues in paleoanthropology. A Few Mousterian Sites Levant Israel: Qafzeh, Skhul, Kebara, Hayonim, Tabun, Emeireh, Amud, Zuttiyeh, El-WadJordan: Ain DiflaSyria: El Kowm North Africa Morocco: Rhafas Cave, Dar es Soltan Central Asia Turkey: Kalatepe DeresiAfghanistan: Darra-i-KurUzbekistan: Teschik-Tasch Europe Gibraltar: Gorhams CaveFrance: Abric Romani, St. Cesaire, Grotte du NoistierSpain: LArbreda CaveSiberia: Denisova CaveUkraine: Moldova SitesCroatia: Vindija Cave Selected Sources Bar-Yosef O. 2008. ASIA, WEST: Palaeolithic Cultures. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 865-875.Close AE, and Minichillo T. 2007. Archaeological Records: Global Expansion 300,000-8000 years ago, Africa. In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 99-107.Culley EV, Popescu G, and Clark GA. 2013. An analysis of the compositional integrity of the Levantine Mousterian facies. Quaternary International 300:213-233.Petraglia MD, and Dennell R. 2007. Archaeological Records: Global Expansion 300,000-8000 years ago, Asia. In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 107-118.Shea JJ. 2013. Lithic Modes A–I: A New Framework for Describing Global-Scale Variation in Stone Tool Technology Illustrated with Evidence from the East Mediterranean Levant. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20(1):151-186.Shea JJ. 2014. Sink the Mousterian? Named stone tool industries (NASTIES) as obstacles to investigating hominin evolutionary relationships in the Later Middle Paleolithic Levant. Quaternary International 350:169-179.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Benjamins Character Essay
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Benjamins Character - Essay Example This paper stresses that Genre, Mise-en-scà ¨ne, lighting, camera angle, sound, and narrative are some of the film-making techniques used in this film. This paper is going to analyze these film-making techniques used in the film, and describe how Benjamin was able to face all the difficulties in his life. According to Campsall, a film’s genre hints what to expect in the film, and this film’s genre ranges between science fiction, romance and history. Science fiction is used because Benjamin’s condition at birth, and the way he lived from old to young cannot exist. From this paper it is clear that Romance is also a genre used in this film and it can be seen in the way Benjamin falls in love with Daisy. She developed a close friendship with him from an early age, and even though they were separated at some point, they still loved each other. The movie is set in the just after the end of the First World War, and history as a genre can be seen here. There is family who lost their child in war, and there is a time when Benjamin and a crew in a ship were in war for America. One can be able to see the livelihood of people during that time and learn a few things about history. The movie starts in a hospital, and the director only shows old Daisy lying on the bed, her daughter, and an attending nurse. Mise-en-scà ¨ne is used here because the hospital’s name is not shown, and other patients are also not shown.
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